Tube Mastery: 10 Expert Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel

 Tube Mastery: 10 Expert Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel

Are you tired of your YouTube channel not gaining the recognition it deserves? Look no further! Discover the 10 expert tips that will unleash the growth potential of your channel. Say goodbye to obscurity and hello to skyrocketing views and subscribers. It's time to crack the code and take your YouTube journey to new heights. Don't let your passion be overshadowed by low engagement. Get ready to unleash your channel's true potential and become the next YouTube sensation!

 In a world that's increasingly dominated by video, getting more views on YouTube should be near (if not at) the top of every content marketer's to-do list. Globally, people watch over a thousand million hours of YouTube every single day. If you want to stand out from the crowd and snag some of those eyeballs, here's how to do it.

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7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

Trying to figure out how to get more views on YouTube?

Hello, you are in the correct position. When a channel starts to grow, brands and creators frequently struggle to capture viewers' attention. But current YouTube figures show plenty of attention to go around on the platform, with over one billion combined hours of content seen daily.

But it's impossible to exaggerate how crucial it is to cultivate your audience. Because opinions frequently have a snowball effect. You are more likely to gain reach and visibility inside the YouTube algorithm the more views and engagement a video receives.

Here are the 7 tips to get more views on YouTube

           1. Create More Videos

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

YouTube's primary goal is to keep viewers on the platform for as long as possible (so that they'll see as many ads as possible.) Thus the algorithm's job is to feed viewers one (hopefully appealing) video after another.

 But how does YouTube figure out what people might like? The algorithm takes the following into consideration:

  • Videos that are often watched together
  • Videos the user has managed in the past
  • Topically related videos.

 The best way to succeed on YouTube is to create videos that people want to watch and watch all the way through, I might add. In a word, it’s all about value. If you’re unwilling to provide value to your viewers, you’re unfit for content marketing.

2. Create catchy, keyword-rich titles

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

YouTube's algorithm considers multiple items when selecting videos for search results. And the platform provides several opportunities to optimize your channel and videos, including video file names, titles, descriptions, and tags.

 So include as much information as possible. Crucially, you need to know which keywords you want your videos and channel to rank for. Now, you know the keywords that you want to rank on. So, it is the right time to use them. Before watching anything, the video title is the first thing your audience will notice before watching anything. Hence, make sure that it is catchy and meaningful at the same time.

 You need to use catchy keywords to help your videos rank in search results, but to get more free YouTube views, you also need your video titles and descriptions to appeal to viewers. Aim for a balance between accurate, informative, and attention-grabbing. Once you've researched and decided on the keywords, you want your channel to rank in the search results.


We're not advising that you keyword-stuff your videos. Instead, look for natural opportunities to target relevant search phrases and boost engagement. This includes:


     Including keyword terms in your title, tags, and/or thumbnail

     Featuring calls-to-action to like, share or comment throughout your content

     Completing your video descriptions and including keyword phrases when possible


You can also use free keyword tools like Google Trends and Google Ads Keyword Planner.


3. Add keyword-rich content to the description

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

Give the world (and YouTube) additional context about your content with a compelling description. Be sure to include your targeted keywords in your YouTube channel description, just like in the titles of your individual videos. YouTube descriptions can increase views and duration of viewing. They might raise the position of your videos in YouTube searches.

A compelling YouTube description may keep viewers watching for longer, increase view counts, and even bring in new subscribers. Additionally, it can aid in YouTube SEO, enabling the platform's algorithm to comprehend your material and recommend it to new users, raising your YouTube stats.

4.    Add closed captioning by transcribing your video

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

Adding captions to your videos helps hearing-impaired viewers follow along and makes your content more appealing to the 69 percent of people who watch mobile videos with the sound off. Having a transcript also makes translation an option, opening your video to international audiences. Creating videos is excellent, but your audience may need a transcription due to language constraints or disability.

 YouTube allows for closed captions where a transcript is added as subtitles to a video. Viewers can toggle these subtitles on and off at will. Transcriptions can be a great idea if you plan to open your videos to an international market. Translating scripts helps help those with other language abilities to understand your videos better.

 How do you create a transcription document for upload to YouTube? It is pretty simple, really. You make a SubRip Subtitle file, SRT for short, which includes the start and finish times next to the text.


5.    Optimize your ads with the right keywords

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

YouTube Tags are keywords or phrases that sit behind your video - think of them as meta tags since they are invisible to your viewers. These video tags help YouTube understand what your video is about and the types of search queries and audiences they should appear for.


Insert Tags & Optimize Your Video

You'll get a shortlist of keywords to choose from instantly. Simply select and copy the tags that best describe your video or that you would like to rank for and insert your chosen tags into the Tags box of your YouTube Videos.


Optimizing your tags with TubeRanker's YouTube Tag Generator can help your videos rank better for particular YouTube and Google Searches.


6.    Embed your YouTube video on your blog 

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

Give your fans a chance to help spread the good word about your work by enabling embedding. The more fresh eyeballs see your video, the more views you rack up.


Allowing viewers to embed your YouTube video on their websites and blogs effectively enables your brand to reach new audiences and get more views on YouTube. If a video has embedding enabled, when a viewer clicks' Share' underneath the video window, YouTube will show them the 'Embed' option:

Once they click on this, they'll be able to copy the video's embedding code and paste it onto their blog or website.


7.    Share video links on your social networks

7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube
 7 Tips on How to get more views on YouTube

If you have followers on other social channels, let them know each time you upload a new video to YouTube. An excellent way to do this is with a short teaser video. For example, you can create a minute-long teaser for a new YouTube video, then post it on your Facebook page with a link to the full video on your YouTube channel.


To make things easier, strive to use a social media scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. But don't simply stick with social channels. You can embed your YouTube videos in your website's relevant blog posts and pages. And don't neglect email marketing. Email marketing is a powerhouse for income conversions. It doesn't want to be too complicated, either.


YouTube isn't a standalone social channel, so cross-promote your videos through your free marketing channels. These tips will not only help you get views. You will get more traffic to your channel and more subscribers. Implementing these tips is a real asset for your YouTube channel, as they will help you boost your brand awareness.




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